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Messaging allows you to chat quickly with your colleagues. You can write to a small group via threads or to a single person. This page explains the features available in Messages.
You can use the Messages module in different ways:
- Via the mobile app
- Via an app on your computer
- Via a browser tab from your intranet.

In the left menu you can create new messages, see all channels and the latest direct messages you have.
Creating a new message
Clicking on the icon at the top (to the right of the Messages heading) brings up a view where you can search for a person or channel.

All channels
If you click on the heading All channels, you will see all created open channels as well as the private channels you are in. Channels are chat rooms where all members can discuss with each other.

New channel
After clicking on All Channels, there is a button at the top right to create a New Channel. Clicking on it will open a new Create Channel window:

Give the channel a name, it is mandatory.
It makes it easier for those joining the channel if you give it a description of what it is about.
Make the channel private
By default, all channels are public. You can adjust this when you create the channel by clicking on the slider. Once you have created a private channel, add members to it by searching for them.
A private channel will always be private. It cannot be changed afterwards.
Only intranet users with the right permissions can create private channels. Read more about permissions in the Messaging Wizard
An Open Channel can be joined by anyone. Click the Join button and you are immediately a member of the channel and can start posting.
If you no longer want to be a member of a channel, click on the Leave button.
If you want to go to the channel to read all posts or create a new one, click on the View button.

Private channel
If a channel is private, it is displayed with a padlock in front of the name. Only the private channels that you are a member of are shown, other private channels are not shown.

Instant messaging
Under Direct Messages, you will first see your name. In this message you can send reminders or other things to yourself. Next comes the latest direct messages you have sent or received.
To continue the conversation in any of these messages, click on the name in the list and the conversation will appear in the main area.

New direct message
If you cannot find the person you want to send a message to, click on the link at the bottom New direct message. When you search for a person, your recent history is displayed.
You can send a direct message to eight different people. If you want to reach more people, you can use a channel instead.

Attach file or image
If you click on Attach files, you can upload an image or file to send with your message. Please note that the attached file/picture will disappear after 90 days.

Using the GIF
You can add a GIF to your message. You can do this by clicking on the GIF button.

In order for you to use GIFs in your messages, some administrator settings need to be made under Add-ons on your intranet Read more in the Guide to Messages
When you receive messages, either in a channel or an instant message, it is displayed with a number after the channel/person's name based on how many unread messages you have.

Push notifications are turned on automatically but can be paused for each channel. You do this by clicking on a channel and then at the top of the channel name there is a small arrow that you can fold down. This opens a view where you (if you have permission) can make more settings, including Turn off push notifications.

Status of direct messages
You will see a status if a person is logged in next to their name. It is shown with a green highlight. Those people who have been inactive for an hour show no color at all, just a transparent circle.

Denna modul kräver licens för Sitevision intranät.