always refers to the latest version of Sitevision


In Administration mode, you will find some of the settings that were previously found under Properties on SiteVision Server. Settings and monitoring have been modernised and improved. Administration mode includes a common event log for system events, logs, settings for clustered environments, webdav, jmx, and you can test the server's write speed.

Loop protection

Suspended modules

There is loop protection in SiteVision to prevent a website from being affected by a script that is not properly developed. The loop protection applies to the scripts, news, forms, generate passwords, views, scheduled scripts modules, addons and WebApps. SiteVision turns off modules that have more than 200,000 iterations in a loop, as well as the scripts that generate a StackOverflow (that is, recurs "too much").


In the list, you can see the modules that are stuck in the loop protection. The module that is in the list will not be displayed to visitors in display mode. Instead, the editor displays a message informing you that the module is blocked.

Blocked module in edit mode.

Blocked modules

A module with too many iterations "gets another chance" when you make changes to the module. If an online version is off, it will have a "new chance" after publication.

An e-mail is sent every 12 hours to the Server Manager if there is a module that is turned off.

Exclude loop protection

If you have "Manage developer functions" permission, you can exclude a module from the loop protection. An example of when it may be relevant is a menu module that makes 2000 iterations. Because of the limit value in the loop protection, the module is blocked, but if you know that it is a recursion that is correct, you can exclude the module. Then select the module you want to exclude and click the play arrow.

Try scripts again

You can change the number of iterations under Properties on the Cluster panel. There, you can change maxScriptLoops. 200,000 is a default value. If you set 0, no loop-protection is used.

Rendering time for modules

SiteVision lists the modules that take longer than 1 second to render. The information is reset once every 24 hours.


Change the limit values for slow modules

You can change the number of slow modules displayed in the list and the limit value to be displayed at. This setting can be found under Properties on the Cluster panel.

The values relevant for the rendering time of modules are:

  • maxRenderTimeCountPerSite - number of modules displayed per website. The default value is 5.
  • renderTimeMonitorThresholdInMilis - the default value is 1 second (1000 ms).

If you have "Manage developer functions" permission, you can pause a slow module. If you have a module that takes a very long time to appear, you may want to pause it whilst troubleshooting is in progress. Then select the module you want to pause and click the arrow.

You need the permission "Manage developer functions" right to use this feature.

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