always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Expanding menu - Images



Use image for links that open in a new window

Here you select the image that you want to show that a window opens in a new window.

Use image for open level

Here you select the image you want to show that the current level is open.

Use image to show there are underlying pages

Here you select the image you want to show that there are underlying pages. E.g. an arrow.

Use image when there are no underlying levels

Here you select the image you want to show that there are no underlying pages.

This setting is mostly if you want the same left margin in the menu if images are used to display the underlying pages.

With no icon

If you do not set "Use image when there are no underlying levels" it will not be a straight left margin

Med bild

With an empty image that is as large as the icon image is set in "Use image when there are no underlying levels", there will be a straight left margin

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