always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Shared links - Settings

The Shared links module allows group members and group admins to add and modify links on a group page in Social Collaboration. The links are presented in a list and sorted alphabetically in descending order.

The module is advantageously placed in the group template to make it available on all group pages based on that template.

Settings Shared links


Link name style

Select the fontfor the links to display with the module. You can select from the fonts that are set centrally on the website.

Link settings

Use tooltip to show link address

Select the Use tooltip to show link address checkbox to get information about where the link will lead when you hover the cursor over it in view mode.

Open links in new window or new tab

Select the Open links in new window or new tab checkbox to open the link target in a different browser window or browser tab other than the one you have open.

This module requires the Social Collaboration license.

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