always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Add decoration

With Add decoration, you can make the settings for a decoration. Here you save settings you make for Spacing, Margins, Background, Borders, Alignment (flow), Style (CSS) on a module or layout.

Add decoration

You can also save a decoration when you create it on a page or template. Make your settings and right-click on a module/layout in the editor and select the option Save decoration. A new window opens where you enter a name for the decoration.

Save decoration

The saved decorations are then displayed in a list on the website under Website settings -> Appearance -> Decorations.

These are also displayed as a list when you right-click on a module/layout and choose Use decoration.

Decorations list

Du kan inte ta bort en dekoration när den väl är tillagd på webbplatsen.

This function requires you to have "Manage decorations" permission. To save a decoration, you also need to have the "Manage page layout" permission.

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