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Today's name

The Today's name module shows who has a name’s day today. Depending on the language setting of the page, the module may display Swedish ("Namnsdag") or Norwegian ("Navnedag") name’s days.


Congratulations on your name’s day:

Olaus and Ola


The settings you can make in the module are for the font, and you can specify how days without names are shown.

inställningar för dagens namn

Font for text

You can choose which font to use to display the date. The font you can choose from are those created for the site.


Do not show anything on the days where names are missing

Not all days have a name’s day. For example, there is no name’s day on February 29th. When a name is missing, a hyphen (-) will be displayed. However, if you tick this box, nothing will be displayed.

The page published:

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