always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

All contacts/followers

The All contacts/followers module allows you to view a user's contacts or followers in an overhead view. You can use the module to remove contacts and filter them to find the person you are looking for.

Place the module on the landing page for the Contacts and Followers modules. You can access it by clicking one of the "Show all contacts (X)" or "Show all followers (X)" links on a user's profile page.

In the All contacts/ followers module, you can click on a contact or follower to go to their profile page.

All contacts/followers

Change view and filter contacts/followers

Click on one of the buttons in the upper-left corner to change the view of how you see the contacts or followers. You can choose between a list view with more information about each contact or a overview with only image and name.

By typing letters in the input field for filtering, you can restrict which contacts or followers appear in the view. This is useful if you have a large number of contacts/followers.

Delete contact

You can delete contacts by showing contacts for your own profile. They can be accessed via your profile page and the link "Show all contacts (X)". Hover the cursor over the contact you want to delete. You now see a cross in the upper-right corner of the contact. Click on it to delete the contact from your list.

You can also delete a contact by visiting a user's profile page and clicking the "Remove as contact" button. To do this, the Contact status module must be on the profile page.

This module requires the Social Collaboration license.

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