always refers to the latest version of Sitevision




Here you determine the fonts for labels (Image1, Image2 or image description), heading, message, recipient, and sender. Select the fonts you want to use from the list.


Here you can define fonts for texts from the system, e.g. texts in the preview, texts on actual postcards, and text after the postcard has been sent. Select the style sheet you want to use from the list. 


Here you determine the fonts for the input. This affects the height of the input fields if you select a small or large style sheet. Select the style sheet you want to use from the list. 

Error messages

Here you determine fonts for error messages. These are displayed when you click the Preview button. Select the style sheet you want to use from the list. 



Max thumbnail width

Here you set the maximum width of the thumbnails of the postcards.

Max height thumbnail

Here you set the maximum height of the thumbnails of the postcards.

Max width postcard

Here you set the maximum width of the postcards.

Max height postcard

Here you set the maximum height of the postcards.

Width input fields

Here you can specify how wide the input field should be. Default is 60px.


Max number of thumbnail columns

Here you specify the number of columns of thumbnails you want to display. Default is max 3 columns.

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