SiteVision Onlinehelp

Maven repository

SiteVision provides a maven repository containing the public API. It is available at External link, opens in new window..

To retrieve a valid user and password please fill out the following form. SiteVision will use the contact information provided to give you information about changes to the password etc.

Example of dependency to the API







Example of the repository definition in settings.xml



Use maven ant tasks to access sitevision maven repository

Example of a build.xml. Target used to extract rdf-import tool along with it's dependencies to target/lib.

<target name="rdf-import-tool">
<path id="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" path="${basedir}/lib/build/maven-ant-tasks-2.0.9.jar"/>
<typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml" uri="urn:maven-artifact-ant" classpathref="maven-ant-tasks.classpath"/>

<artifact:remoteRepository id="senselogic.repository" url="">
   <authentication username="username" password="password"/>

<artifact:dependencies filesetId="maven.rdfimport.fileset">
   <remoteRepository refid="senselogic.repository"/>
   <dependency groupId="senselogic" artifactId="rdfimport" version="1.4"/>

<mkdir dir="${basedir}/target/lib" />
<copy todir="${basedir}/target/lib" overwrite="true">
   <fileset refid="maven.rdfimport.fileset" />
   <mapper type="flatten"/>

Other users

Log on to artifactory using the provided username and password. Use the simple browser provided under the tab "browse" to download the required jar file. All files are subfolders to the virtual repository "repo".


  • Download sitevision public-api version 2.6_06: The jar file is available at repo/senselogic/sitevision/public-api/sitevision-public-api/2.6_06
  • Download rdf-import version 1.4: The jar file is available at repo/senselogic/rdfimport/1.4
Note: Normally you do not use the snapshot versions. They are development versions that can change at any time.

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