always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Sign up - Form

När du ska bygga upp ett helt nytt formulär går du till fliken Formulär och lägger till fält.

Lägg till fält

För att lägga till ett fält (en fråga), klicka på länken Lägg till fält.

Add field

A new view then opens Add field where you can select from different fields. In this case, Text is selected.

Ny fråga - text

Enter name and/or description. Select field type, in this case Text. Enter placeholder if you want it in the field as well as input type.

Add another question

To add another question, click on the plus button - either to the right of the existing question to get a question in the same row, or click on the plus button on the row below to get the question under the existing question.

Nytt fält



If you select a question, three icons appear in the right-hand corner:

  • Edit field - To make an edit to an existing question. For example, correct a typo, add an option or similar.
  • Delete - Delete the selected question.
  • Move field - Moves the selected field. Select the icon and drag and drop the field where you want it in the form.

Field types

There are four different field types (text, single selection, multiple selection, comments) in the web application .

After you select a field type, settings appear that pertain to that particular question. All field types have three tabs.

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