always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Birthday - Common
Here you can add, delete, and modify existing birthdays.

To add a birthday, click the Add birthday link. A new one is shown where you can add a name and date of birth.

Import birthdays
Click this link to be able to designate a text file from which you can import birthdays. The file should be a format that it is one line per birthday. Each line contains the Name, Date of birth.
Anna, 1988-02-02
Fredrik, 1990-01-01
Export birthdays
Click this link to export birthdays to a text file.
Double-click the name or select the property icon to add a date.
Delete birthday
Select a name from the list and click the X on the right to delete a birthday.
Change birthday
Select a name from the list and click the Change icon on the right to change a name or date of birth.
Show birthdays
- This month - shows all the birthdays this month, even birthdays that have passed.
- This week - shows all the birthdays this week, even birthdays that have passed.
- Today - shows only today's birthday(s). If there is nothing to show, the heading is not displayed.
- Specify number - shows x number of upcoming birthdays. For example, if you fill in five, you will get to choose birthdays, days or months. If you select 5 birthdays then the next five birthdays will appear.
Date format
Here you determine how the date format is displayed. Click the arrow for a drop-down list of different date formats.

Show name before date
Normally, the date of birth is shown and then name. To view the list the other way around, with names first, tick this box.

Show name before date
Show age
If you also want to show age, tick this box.

Also shows age
Show heading
If you also want to see a heading before the birthdays, tick this box and enter a heading.

Show with heading
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