always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Non public web page

If a website is not made public, login is required to read the page. You can access this setting via properties on the webpage -> Permission, and then untick the page is public box.

Settings properties

A page that is not public means that any person who should be able to read the page must also have permission to access it. Even those who are only going to read the page must have read permission. To add a user, click Add.

Add user

In the dialogue that opens, you can add users and groups, Authenticated users, Virtual groups, and IP address range.

Add user and groups

If you set a page as non-public, be aware that users may also need access to the templates, image archive, and file archive, if they are not public.

If all users should have access to a page: Post all authenticated users or the entire root in the directory service (where all users are found) and grant them permissions on those items.

The page published:

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