always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Share page
With the Share page module, you can share pages on the website neatly and easily. You can share any webpage, as long as Social Collaboration is enabled on the website.
The module is part of Social Collaboration and allows you to share pages in timelines, to your own, and also in the groups where you are a member. Place the module in the template to make it accessible on all pages of the website.
Share page
To share a page, click the Share page button that is positioned when you add the module to the template. You will now see a dialogue where you can write a comment and choose in which timeline you want to share a link to the page. You can choose between your own timeline and the groups that you are a member of.

Share page in timeline
In the timeline, you will see that it is a shared page via the link symbol that appears and the page's name. Click on the link to go to the page.

This module requires the Social Collaboration license.
The page published: