always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Tag cloud results
Tag cloud results shows the results of the tag cloud module. The tag cloud is a graphical view of how often a tag (a metadata) appears on a website. A tag is a metadata that you use to mark your webpages. The most popular tags appear larger than the other tags.
![Tag cloud](/images/18.57047f1916a786cb09521fcb/1557411021342/tagcloud.png)
Tag cloud
When you click a tag, it appears on the page where there is a tag cloud result.
![Tag results](/images/18.57047f1916a786cb09521f9c/1557411021061/tag-results.png)
Tag cloud results
The tag cloud result shows only the results of tags found on public pages. Therefore, pages that the visitor does not have permission to access will not be shown.
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