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At the integration of directory services or federated logon services, SiteVision will cache the information about users provided by these systems. For this information to be removed from SiteVision, users must be anonymised.

Anonymisation means that the information stored about a user is removed from SiteVision. This includes any Social Collaboration user profiles, which will also be emptied (personal timeline, user fields, profile image etc.).

You can also use the SIteVision REST API for Anonymisation

GDPR Everyone has the right to contact a company or authority that processes personal data and request that any data referring to him or her is deleted.

When you choose to anonymise a user, the following structured data is lost:

  • The user identity
  • User fields
  • All bookmarks deleted
  • Deindexes the user from search
  • All directory service information is cleared (it also means that an anonymised user can no longer log in)
  • All user settings are cleared
  • All metadata that is found on a user is cleared

If you use Social Collaboration, the following will also disappear:

  • The person's personal timeline is emptied of information
  • All notifications from that person disappear
  • Empties chat messages that the person wrote
  • Deletes personal files and images that the person has uploaded

You must manually clear the following unstructured data:

  • Text written in, for example, text modules on the website (tips, search by person)
  • What the person has written in a group or on another person's timeline in Social Collaboration. The administrator may enter and edit the content if necessary.
  • If the person signed up for a subscription on the website
  • If the person has filled out a form on the website


If the user worked with editorial content, the entire website must be reindexed. Information about the user can be stored in the search index, for example through "system properties" or by having been inserted in pages indirectly, for example, via metadata.

If the "Comments" module has been used on pages and the user has commented, the website also needs to be reindexed.

Observe caution when anonymising a user. If something goes wrong, you can recover some information from the application log. However, some information, such as posts, cannot be retrieved.

The result of an anonymised user

After you anonymised a user, the text "Deleted user" is displayed instead of the person's name.

This text will be seen in, among other things, metadata (page manager/created by/modified by/posted by), in the permissions list, administrators in modules, rules (custom content), posts in another person's timeline, group posts.

Anonymise users panel

To anonymise a user, you must have the "Manage users" permission

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