always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Random image - Other
Create link from image
To create a link of the random images, tick this box. A link icon is displayed:
Click the link icon to create a link. This opens the "Create link" window (see Links). In the top left corner, select link type.
Alternative text (alt text)
Get from image description (metadata)
When you upload an image to the image archive, you can enter a description (metadata) on the image. Read more about this under Menu in the Navigator ->Image archive. If there is a description of the current image with the metadata, you can choose to show this image description. Otherwise, this option is greyed out (cannot be selected).
The point of this is that you should not have to fill in an image description every time you use the image. Instead, you add a good description in the Metadata field during image upload.
Specify custom
Here you enter image description text that applies to all random images.
None (for decoration images)
Tick this if you do not want the random images to show the description text (alt text). For example, when the images are only shown for decoration.
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