always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

More information

As a logged in user to SiteVision, you can use the sidebar to obtain information about the editor and make certain settings for your users. Click the Information button in the sidebar.

Menu more information


Select the Help option to go to our help website for information about SiteVision. You can also browse to the help website by entering External link, opens in new window. into your browser.

Go directly to help from a module or dialogue box

There is a question mark in each module/dialogue box. Click on the question mark to go directly to the online Help section for the relevant area. The general Help button in the sidebar is hidden when there is a Help button in a module or dialogue box.

Video guides

Go directly to the help website to take advantage of the popular video guides about the new editor in SiteVision 4.

About SiteVision

Select About SiteVision to see which version of SiteVision the website is installed on. Here you can also see a link to the license terms for the installation (End User License Agreement information).

About siteVision


Select the language for the editor via Language. Select English, Swedish or Norwegian and click Save and reload to activate the new language.

Ändra språk i redigeringsläget

Personal settings

Here you can choose to check this box to prevent warnings when you select Cancel in dialogues.

Personliga inställningar

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