always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Create new


The Create new button is used to add Page, Link, Archive, Folder or Structure object to the website. Depending on what you have permission to create, different items are displayed.

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To add an item, click Create new. Create new page is default, if you want to create one of the other options, click the arrow or the Create new text and a menu drops down.

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  • To create new web pages, "Create web page" permission is required.
  • To create a new website, "Create website" permission is required.
  • To create new link pages, "Create link page" permission is required.
  • To create new archive, "Create archive" permission is required.
  • To create new folders, "Create folder" permission is required.
  • To create new group templates, "Create group templates" permission is required
  • To create a new structure object "Create structure object" permission is required.


When in template mode, Create new looks slightly different. You then specify not only the name of the template and which template you want to start from. You also enter Description,

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If you are in the view for Elements, Create New also looks slightly different.

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You can enter a name and identifier, which must be of the format [organisation].[identifier].

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