always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
A blog is an easy way to create and view published posts on a webpage. Usually, posts are arranged so that the latest posts appear at the top. In most cases, visitors to the blog can submit comments about the posts, which are published below the blog post.
In SiteVision, you create and view blog posts using the blog module. There is also a comments module that you can use to allow visitors to comment on your blog posts.
You create blog posts with the blog module. You can click the New Blog postlink.
This will open a blog template:
The blog module shows the text, image, and YouTube modules contained in the template as input fields in the form. Be sure to set the styles sheets that these text modules should be used with in the template, otherwise body text will be applied.
This module requires that you have Write permission and a license for the blog.
The page published: