always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Add internal directory service
The internal directory service will be phased out during 2018/2019. We recommend that you instead use Web users instead of the internal directory.
An Internal directory service (Apache DS) is always included in an installation of SiteVision. You can enable it and then add users who get edit or read access to a website.
One tip is to use the internal directory service, if you work with external parties and do not want to mix them into your regular directory service.
After you click on Add directory service -> Internal directory service the following view is displayed. All values are prefilled. Do not forget to click Start to start the directory service.

An internal name to distinguish different directories.
Directory service type
ApacheDS is default.
LDAP Server address
Address of the server you are running towards.
LDAP Serverport
LDAP Proxy user
If LDAP server requires login for searches, this field must be specified. A proxy user is a user who has access to the directory service and can perform searches.
Default is uid=admin, ou=system
LDAP Proxy password
Password for proxy user
Use encryption (SSL)
If you want the directory service traffic to be encrypted, tick this.
This requires directory service settings
Run connection test
Click this button to test the directory service connection. If it goes well, a message appears to the left of the button.
Search base
Where to start searches in the directory service. The default is dc=sitevision,dc=se
Search attribute
At login, the specified attribute is searched. The default is "cn", which is normally the username.
Search base test
Click the button to verify that the search base is working. If successful, a confirmation appears to the left of the button.
For more settings on the directory service, go to the Advanced tab.
Because of restrictions in the internal directory, you cannot move users in SiteVision that are in the internal directory.
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