always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Panel User index

The user index contains information that becomes available via searches on federated users.

Search index

Here you can see the total size of the search index and how many object it contains. SAML users/CAS users, webusers or other federated users are considered objects.

The path shows where the index is in the server's file structure and allows you to manually delete the specific index.


Click the Execute query button to place a search query to get complete information about the search index or to search for it in the search index for a specific user.

The user index contains selected search fields based on the information about the user. Searchable user fields will also be included in the user index. If no field is specified the search will look for name and mail.

You can specify your search query by typing the field name followed by colon and then your keyword, such as id:<the user object id> to search for a specific ID number.

You can find out the total amount of users in the user index, or on a specific site.

All users in the user index, regardless of website
Search query: *:*

All users for a specific site
Search query: site: <id of the site>

You will not access the setting if the site is located in SiteVision Cloud.

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