always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Permissions in Collaboration
Permissions in Social Collaboration relate to groups and management of social user identities.
Each group has a group page where members and administrators are assigned a role. These roles, in turn, determine the rights that a user has in the group. When a new group is created, the roles configured in the central settings of the website are used. Users who become members of a group are automatically assigned the role of group members on the group page.
The settings guide automatically creates the roles "Group members" and "Group administrators". Rights in these roles are shown in the table below.
The permission inheritance of a group page for a closed group is broken, and the page is set to non-public. The permissions on open and moderated group pages are inherited from the top. In order to change an open group to closed, the Create closed groups right is required on the group page.
Right | Description | Member | Administrator |
Read | Access to the group and its contents. | x | x |
Use groups | Permission to work in the group, for example, by writing posts and uploading files. | x | x |
Set selected version | The right to set which version of a file to make available to users who are not members of the group. |
| x |
Manage groups | General administrative privileges with, for example, the ability to change group settings, add members, add administrators, delete other people's posts, and unlock files locked by other users. |
| x |
Manage selectable views | Permission to choose which selectable views are visible in the group. |
| x |
Create group
To create a group, the Create group page right is required in the groups folder where it should be placed. To create closed groups the right Create closed groups is also required.
The settings guide automatically creates a group folder and the "Create team" role. This role is assigned to All authenticated users, which makes it possible for all users to create groups in the group folder.
Manage social user IDs
With the Contact status module, you can manage social user identities if you have permission. You can disable/enable the user identity and choose whether to show or hide it in search results. This is a function that you can use if an employee for example is on leave or sick. If you need to completely remove a social user identity, you need to move the user out of the search base in the directory service instead.
Read more about Removing a user identity by moving it out of the search base.
These modules require the Social Collaboration license.
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