always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Predefinied search - Query
The search query searches on title, name, and content of the pages.
Enter the query to be listed. You can type a search query (a common string) or build a search query using Velocity.
If you type "image", you get a search listing on the pages that have the word "image" in the title, the name of the page, or that it appears in the content of the page.
The list is now sorted by relevance. If you want the most recently published documents at the top, you can set the sort order on the Advanced tab.
Search query *:* searches for "everything" within the selection (see the Selection tab). For example, this can be used with sort order to list "last published pages" or similar.
Fill in field name:value to search on a specific metadata value. The metadata value must have the setting to be searchable (the "Index field in the search engine" check box).
For example,
If you are not sure what the field name is called, look at Properties -> Functions-> Search -> Indexed info.
Fill in if it should not matter if you use uppercase or lowercase.
Query is dynamic, to be evaluated by Velocity
If the search query is constructed in Velocity, this box should be ticked. Only tick in this box if your search query actually contains Velocity code. Otherwise, the module must do a lot of jobs unnecessarily.
If the search query is evaluated by Velocity, you can use SiteVision’s public API
Available elements in the search query
The page published: