always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Predefinied search - Appearance

Under the Search results view, set how the search results are displayed.



Header hit

Controls the style sheet for the heading in the search hits. Choose from existing style sheets from the list.

Hits extract

Controls the style sheet for the hit extract, that is, the text that appears under the heading in the search hits. This setting is only made if you selected to show hit extracts under the Search results view.

Time and size

Controls the style sheet of time and size under each hit. This setting is only made if you selected to show time and size under the Search results view.


Controls the style sheet of path under each hit. This setting is only made if you selected to show path under the Search results view. 

Error messages

Controls style sheet for error messages. This setting is only made if you selected to show error messages under the Search results view.


Show icons in front of header hit

If you want to display icons in front of the search listing hits, you can set this up here.


Example predefined sarch with icons in front of header hit


Background stripe color hit

If you want every other hit to have a background color, set it here.

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