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News - Archive

Under this tab you set the where the news should be fetched from. It can be from one or more archives on the website or from an RSS feed that is set up on the website.

news - archive

Show articles from

Click the Add link to add an archive or RSS source.

New articles

To make it easier for editors to create articles, you can view a link Add article under the news listing. When the editor clicks on the link, an article is created in the appropriate archive. The link is visible to those who are logged on and have the "Write" and "Create page" rights on the designated archive.

add artichle

Show link for creating articles in selected archives

Click this option if there should be an "Add article" link under the news listing for those who have permission to create news. This makes it easy for those who have permission to add new items to an archive.

To display the "Add article" link, the editor must have the "Write" and "Create page" permissions on the archive.


Select the template that will be used to create articles when the editor clicks the link.

Link text

The link text to use for the link. The default setting is "Add article".


Select the font for the link text.

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