always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

News - Content

Select what you want to see and what it should look like under the Content tab. By default, the news is displayed with the publication date, article image, article title, article description, and link to article.

The News module automatically fetches content from the text modules of the article that have the name Title, Description and Content and from the image module, which has the name Image.

Content tab

The list shows which content is displayed in the news module. New content is added with the Add link.

To delete content, select it in the list and click the X.


To change the content, select it in the list and click the Edit icon.

To move content, select it and drag and drop it to the place where it should be. The content will appear in the order in which fields are located.

There are special settings for each field you add/set. Click the Add link to add more values.  In addition to the specific settings for each field, there are settings that return in most fields, Link, RSS and Line break settings. These are described at the bottom of the page.

Date of publication

Shows date of publication. To change the date of publication for an article, click on article properties.

The following settings are specific to the date of publication:

Settings for publish date


Here you can set the font that the date should be displayed with.

Date format

Article image (Metadata)

Displays the image module named Image in the article.

The following settings are specific for Article image (Metadata):

 Article image for the module News

Limit image size

Here you can choose to limit the size of the images that are downloaded from the image module named Image in the template. To view the original size, untick this box.


You can also select the position of the image: Nothing, Left or Right.

  • Automatic - in rows
  • Left - left flow
  • Right - right flow

Tick Create link from image to link the image.

Use default image if image is missing

Tick Use default image if image is missing If you want to add a default image if the article is missing an image.


If you want a frame around the image. Specify the size in pixels using the plus and minus buttons.

Article title (Metadata)

Displays the text module named Title in the article.

The following settings are specific for Article title (Metadata):

Article title


Sets the font that you want the title to appear with.

Crop if too many characters in text

Here you can limit the number of letters in the text. The title is usually not shortened, it is not usually that long.

Include tables

Tick this check box if you want to include tables when the content is displayed.

Article description (Metadata)

Displays the text module named Description in the article.

The following settings are specific to Article description (Metadata):


Here you can set the font to display the description.

Crop if too many characters in text

Here you can limit the number of letters in the text. If you have a long description and set 200 characters, only the 200 first letters of the description are displayed.

The restriction applies only when the news is presented on the page of this module. If the news handled in the News module is exported as RSS, All text will be included in the RSS feed. 

Link to article

Shows a link "Link to article" so that the visitor can read the whole article.

The following settings are specific to Link to article:

Link to article


Here you can set which font to display the link with.


You can also choose the link location, whether it will flow:

  • Not - in rows
  • Left - left flow
  • Right - right flow

Fetch link description

If you want a link description (title) on the links, tick this box. Then choose where you want to fetch the title text from, for example, from the title or description of the article.

From an availability point of view, please do not use "link to article" without using "Fetch link description". It is not good to have multiple links on a page that has the same name but goes to different pages. For example, if you use header as a link description, it helps to distinguish the link from the other "Read more" links.

If you want an icon after the link (such as an arrow), tick this box and browse for the image to be used.

Open link in new window

Tick this to open the link in a new window.

Link type

  • Use fixed link text -the default setting is Read more. Fill in something else if you want a fixed link text.
  • Use text as link - Select a metadata from the list.
  • Use image as link -Select a metadata that designates an image in the list.
  • Only link if text exists - This option is used if you only want to link to the entire article if there is something more to read in the article. If you select Article content, the listing will only create a link to articles that actually have Article content. So if there is no more than the Title and description in the article, delete the content.

You might as well make a link of Article title instead of using Link to article.

If you download news with RSS, you cannot control the appearance of the listing as much because all the values may not be sent.

The page published:

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