always refers to the latest version of Sitevision


The Messages module is used to communicate directly with one or more other users in Social Collaboration. The message box that opens is in the lower part of the browser window, but can be moved along the bottom. Add the module in the template, for example, to the header so that users can easily write and receive messages throughout the website. To use the messaging function, the user needs to be logged into SiteVision.

Feel free to use the Messages module together with the Send message module that is placed on the profile page.

Notification of new messages

New messages are marked with a red symbol on the Messages button. Click on the button to display a list of ongoing conversations.

Icon for messages

Icon for messages


You have new messages


Click the Message button to see the Inbox with ongoing conversations and to send new messages. Past conversations are ranked by when the last message was sent. This will always show the most recent messages at the top of the list. To the left of the user's name, a number appears indicating how many unread messages you have in the current conversation. The number disappears when you open the message, which you do by clicking on the conversation.


New message

Click the New message link to send a message to one of your contacts. A message box appears in the lower part of the browser window. To find a recipient, click in the Add recipient search field and start typing. You need to be a contact for the user you want to start a conversation with, but the recipient does not need to have added you as a contact to join the conversation.

Messages can be sent between two or more users. Once a conversation has started, you will not be able to add additional participants without creating a new conversation.

Nytt meddelande

You see the status, via the colour of the icon in front of the name of the message you are sending to, green means logged in and red means not logged in. You also see when the user you are chatting with is writing to you. The module links automatically (provides a clickable link) text links and automatically embeds content in the conversation if the page you are linking to supports oEmbed External link, opens in new window..

Close the message box by clicking the X at the top right. Via the arrow on the left you will find ongoing conversations and you can also create a new message.

The Messages function requires the Social Collaboration license.

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