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Bookmarked posts

The Bookmarked posts module gives you the ability to bookmark specific posts in timelines. The module can be used on pages, on the profile page and in groups. The modules are used together with one of the modules Timeline, Timeline for tag and Post in timeline.

The maximum number of bookmarked posts that you can see is 100. SiteVision sorts the posts automatically according to the time you bookmarked them. You cannot set the number of bookmarked posts to display.

Bookmarked posts

Bookmark post on a page or profile page

Click the arrow in the top right of the post in the timeline to bookmark it. Select Add as bookmark. SiteVision saves the bookmark to your user and you can see it in the Bookmarked posts module.

Add bookmark

Bookmark posts on a group page as administrator

If you are a group administrator for a group, you can bookmark an entry for the whole group. This is a great tool for lifting certain posts out of the timeline.

Click the arrow in the top right of the post in the timeline to bookmark it. Select Add group bookmark. SiteVision saves the bookmark to the group, and you can see the post via the Bookmarked posts module on the group page.

Add group bookmark

Delete bookmarked posts

To delete a bookmarked post, click the X in the upper-right corner of the Bookmarked posts module. Respond OK to the question, are you sure you want to delete this bookmark? Click Cancel to keep the bookmark.

Delete bookmark

This module requires the Social Collaboration license.

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