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Bookmarked posts - Other
The Bookmarked posts module gives you the ability to bookmark specific posts in timelines. The module can be used on pages, on the profile page and in groups. The module is used together with one of the modules Timeline and Timeline for tag.
Taregt pages
The website has central settings for all target pages used in Social Collaboration. You can change the target page for the Bookmarked posts module under the Other tab. These settings replace the central setting you can make under the Target Pages tab under the Social Collaboration at Central settings.

Use a custom page to show a post in the timeline
Tick the checkbox and designate an alternative page where you want to see a post from the Bookmarked posts module. On the page, you have to add the Posts in timeline module to see the bookmarked post in full.
This module requires the Social Collaboration license.
The page published: