always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Metadata is information about the page you are on. This can range from information about who created the page and when, to who is responsible for the page and links associated with the page. When adding a new metadata field, you need to make settings for the metadata field.
Under the Permissions tab, specify which roles and by extension which users can access the metadata field to add metadata values. You can also specify whether the metadata fields value should be displayed in modules.
Visible to all users irrespective of role
Select option Visible to all users irrespective of role for metadata fields that all users may see.
Visible for the following roles
If you choose the option Visible for the following roles instead, you will be able to select the roles that will be permitted access to the metadata field in the publishing dialogue from a list. The roles you can choose from are the same as when you set permissions on a website or page.
If an editor has the "Manage metadata fields" right, they will always see the metadata field in the location where the metadata is created, even if it is permission-controlled so that only the administrator can see the field. For example, if the field is created on the website, the editor can see and change the field there, but the editor cannot access the field on the subpages.
Fields may be inserted in modules (e.g. Text)
If you want a field to be printed easily in text modules, for example, check this box.
This setting is not available on all metadata types. It is available for metadata types:
- Text
- Single selection
- Multiple options
- System value
- User
- Keyword
- Date
- Connection to text module/image module/media module
- Number
The page published: