always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Add font - Links
Here you choose how the font's links are to behave. If you do not make any link settings, the link will be displayed with the same settings as the font.
General link settings
Underlined links
Tick the box to give the font underlined links. This is more or less standard on the web.
Settings for link states
There are five different link states:
Use custom setting for unvisited links (a:link)
Make settings for unvisited links. Select color and whether it should be underlined or not.
Use custom colour for visited links (a:visited)
Choose a color for links that the visitor has already visited.
Use a custom settings for when the mouse cursor hovers over a link (a:hover)
Make settings for hover effects. Select color and whether it should be underlined or not.
Use custom focus link settings (a:focus)
Make settings for the links that should be focussed on when a page first loads. Select color and whether it should be underlined or not.
Use custom setting for active links (a:active)
Make the setting for links that are "depressed". Select color and whether it should be underlined or not.
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