always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Add font - Permissions
Some fonts should be used with caution. Here you can indicate which, set roles for the website, will have access to the style sheets on the pages and in the modules.
Tick the role(s) that will have access to the style sheets. The default setting is "Can be used by all roles".
Here you can select the options:
- Can be used by all roles - The colours are available to everyone.
- Can only be used by the following roles - This will display the roles that are given on the website as a list. Select the roles that you want to have access permission to colours.
Deciding which fontss to use in different modules facilitates the choice of the fonts for the editors. It is a good idea to apply a restriction on a font that, for example, is used only in menus. However, it is easier to permission control the fonts for roles instead of modules.
Here you can select the options:
- Can be used by all roles - The colors are available in all modules.
- Can only be used in the following modules - A list of all modules is displayed. Select the modules that you want to have access permission to colors.
- Cannot be used in the following modules - A list of all modules is displayed. Select the modules that you do NOTwant to have access permission to colors.
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