always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Timeline for tag - Other

The Timeline for tag module is used to display posts and comments as "tagged" with a specific tag.


Target pages

The website has central settings for all landing pages used in Social Collaboration. Here you can change to a different landing page for this particular module. This setting replaces the central setting for this specific module. Click on Browse to designate a landing page.

Target pages that can be set up:

Use a custom profile page to show details about users

The profile page used to display users mentioned in posts with @

Use a custom page to show the timeline for a tag

The page is used to display tags that are written in posts with #

Use a custom page to show a post in the timeline

The page used to display an individual post, including related comments

Use a custom page to show all file details

The page that displays information about a file linked to in a post

This module requires the Social Collaboration license.

The page published:

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