always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Add input field - Checkbox

This input field with checkbox is used if, for example, you want to tick that you have approved a condition or to be the recipient of a newsletter.

Exempel kryssruta inmatningsfält

This function requires that you have a licence for Selfservice that includes the modules User profile, User registration, User registration, Forgotten passwordand Change password.

After selecting Checkbox, the following settings are displayed:



The name that appears on this input field under User information.

Directory attribute

Select an attribute from the list here. You can only use the attributes that are in the schedule manager in Sitevision. The attributes differ from one directory to the other. The following attributes adhere to the InetOrgPerson schedule that most directories support (eDirectory, OpenLDAP etc). The following is available in this module by default:

  • givenName (given name)
  • sn (surname)
  • mail (e-mail address)
  • title (title)
  • mobile (mobile)
  • telephonenumber (telephone)
  • description

If you want to use a different attribute that is in InetOrgPerson, fill in the attribute name yourself. Delete the name in the drop-down list, and then enter the attribute name to use.


If the checkbox is mandatory, tick this box.

Owner field

If you want other people besides administrators to see the field even though it is an administrator field, tick this box.

Administrator field

Tick this checkbox if only administrators are to see and change this field.

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