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Emergency article

The Crisis News template is part of the intranet's crisis function.

In case of a major crisis, you can activate the intranet's crisis function. By creating and publishing a crisis news item in the Crisis Information repository, a red banner will appear under the header of all intranet pages for all users.

When the crisis is over, unpublish the crisis news and the banner will disappear.

The crisis news uses the Crisis news page template.

Krisbanner på intranätssida

Activating the emergency function

1. To create a emergency item, go to the news archive "Emergency information" and click on Create new (in the sidebar). Select the template Emergency article.

Page - Emergency information - create new

You can also create a emergency information item directly from Shortcuts in the sidebar or online in the editor's menu.

The shortcut is visible and can be used by the editors who have access to the archive Emergency information.


2. The next step is to create content. Add text for the title, preamble, possibly an image and write your content. If you do not want an image, right-click on the image and select Delete.

Skriv rubrik, ingress, innehåll i krisnyheten

3. When you have finished the content, click on Publish in the sidebar and publish the crisis news.

The published crisis news is now displayed in a red banner on all pages of the intranet.

Deactivating the emergency-function

To deactivate the crisis function, go to the published crisis story.

Right-click on the crisis story in the tree structure or click on the edit icon, select Unpublish.

When you unpublish the crisis story, the red banner disappears.

Change the color of the emergency-banner

The emergency banner uses the website color Website Theme/Danger . It is set under website settings / appearance / colors. On the page about colors and fonts you can read more about how to change to another color.

Changing the emergency banner

The crisis banner basically consists of a news module. You can find it in the article components template.

The page published:

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