always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Profile strength
The Profile strength module shows how far a user has come in completing their social identity in social Collaboration. Profile strength can also give an indication if a user has met the specified cooperation criteria. The more criteria a user has met, the stronger the profile strength becomes. The maximum value is 100%.

When the profile strength reaches the maximum value by fulfilling all the criteria, a text will appear on the page confirming this. Here is an example of what it might look like.

Add the Profile strength module to the profile page. There, the user can directly adjust their profile to achieve the maximum value.
Information popup
Clicking the profile strength on the page will open an information popup. The information popup shows which of the given criteria have been completed, and which criteria remain to be met. When all are highlighted green, the user has reached 100%
In the information popup, you can also enter information text for the user and link to a help page for additional information.

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