always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
The Accesability Panel
In the Accessibility panel, make settings to increase the availability of the website.
Accessibility Related Settings
Use extended accessibility support
Accessibility is important for people with different types of disability. To make websites more accessible, you can enable this option. In SiteVision, this means that the system enables reminders that the user should add:
- reminder to avoid link description
- image description texts
- caption
Validate with W3C when publishing
To check whether the code validates on the page created during publishing, you can enable a validation check that uses the W3C validation tool. If the page validates, a "green result" appears:
If the page does not validate, a "red result" appears: Click the View details button to go to the W3C to see the results.
A new page opens with the W3C validation results.
Accessibility check when publishing
Check this box to always run a page accessibility test when publishing.
The accessibility test checks, among other things, header levels, if ALT and title are applied to text and images, accessible tables, that the code does not use old attributes. The accessibility test serves as the link check, and you get a result when publishing the page. If it goes well, "green results" appear:
If there are accessibility problems, "red results" appear. Click the View details link to learn more about the problems on the page. Click on the Hide details lick to get back.
Accessibility check recipients
Provides an overall picture of the accessibility of the website. Set when the checks should be run and who to send the result to.
Send report to:
An e-mail is sent with a report of the pages where the automatic checks detected accessibility problems. Here you can specify who will receive the report:
- Server Manager - the person who is set up as server manager on the entire server.
- Website Manager - the person who is set-up as Website Manager on the website.
- Last published by - the person who last published the page
- Editors - point out a metadata that in turn points to user items in the directory
- Other e-mail address - any email address that is filled in.
Run test now
If you do not want a scheduled accessibility check but just a check right now, click the Start button. This creates a report immediately.
Schedule test
Check "Enable scheduling" to set when the scheduled check will run. You can set the start time and the frequency of the check.
- Start time - Specify when the report will run for the first time. Click the calendar icon for a calendar to dropdown. Click the clock icon to select a time from a list.
- Repeat - Here you can select whether the report should run once/daily/hourly/weekly/monthly.
The report is in English.
This function requires you to have "Manage website settings" permission
The page published: