always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

The Best before Panel

Under the Best Before panel, you can enable a reminder to review the page content after a certain period of time after a page has been published. You can also set the Best-before option as always checked when publishing as a way to remind editors to refresh the page.

With this setting activated, the editors will have a best-before date as a suggestion in the publishing dialog. If the box is not checked, the editors need to activate the function manually on the pages where the function is desired.

Note that each page needs to be republished, after Best Before has been activated, for the function to become active and reminders to be sent out.

Bäst före inställningar

Best before

Best before is automatically selected when publishing

Check the box so that the Best before option is always checked when publishing a page. The setting selects the date based on the number of months selected.

If the Best Before date is already entered on a page, this date will remain (the system does not suggest a new date), but you can manually change the date when republishing the page.

Recipients of Best before notifications

Here you set who will receive the notification. If you do not set anything here, the notification goes to the editor who published the page. If the publisher of the page does not have an e-mail address specified in the directory, the notification goes to the e-mail address that is set up as the webmaster.

To add a recipient, click the Add recipients link.

Number of months

Set how many months you want to be pre-selected for a notification. The default setting is 6 months.

(Note that number of months is a suggestion. Anyone who publishes the page can adjust the date.)

Defer best before-date on publishing

Check this box if you want the date to be moved forward automatically if you republish a page that already has a best-before date set.

Defer best before date on publishing

"Set time manually" and date is preset. Select automatic renewal if you want to add another 6 months (or any number of months preset in the Best before panel).



This is where you set the subject line of the email that will be sent. The default text is "A page needs attention".


The predefined code will create a message including links to the acutal page. If you want to change the text, this is where you enter the content of your choice to go in the outgoing e-mail.

Reset to default

Click this if you want the default content in the e-mail.

Help with custom script solutions is not included in support.

This function requires you to have "Manage website settings" permission

The page published:

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