always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Panels mobile app

On this panel, you can activate the mobile app and make settings for it.

Settings mobile app

Mobile app

Activate mobile app

Tick this to activate the mobile app.

OAuth2 provider for login

Login method

Here you designate the login method that is set up under the "OAuth2 provider" panel under "Website settings".

News and events

Use scopes to control the news feed in the mobile app

Add to scope

Here you can designate the start node for the news to be displayed in the mobile app, for example a folder, a page or an archive. Click on the Add button to designate the start node.

Use target audience for selection

Select the audience metadata, single choice audience or multiple choice audience set up on the website for the audiences you want your mobile app to display news from.

Select tag group

Here you select the label groups and labels that will control the news flow in the mobile app. An example could be to let the user choose which news they want to see. For examples - see the mobile app pages

Tags from user fields

You can also designate user fields on which the news feed should be based. It is then the value in the user field that is used. If Stockholm is the value of your user field "City" and then you put a label on a news item with "Stockholm", the news feed will show that news item.

Push notifications

Enable push notifications for published content

Check this box if you want the option "Send push notifications to mobile users" to appear when you publish a news item.

NOTE! To send push notifications, you need the "Send Push Notifications" permission.

Hide content of push notifications

Check this if you only want it to say that you have received a notification in the push message. That is, no content is shown on the display.

Push notifications

When the mobile app is activated on the website, new options appear in the Notifications module. Depending on which checkboxes the user ticks, push notifications will be sent out for events on the intranet.

Read more about the settings in the Notifications module.

User fields

Small view

Small view is used when searching for people in the app. User fields must be of field type: "Text" to be visible in the search list.

Large view

Large view is used on the profile page of the app.

Kontakta Sitevisions Produktsupport för att få tillgång till tilläggscertifikat, samt licens för Mobilappen.

Det gäller både för kunder med egen drift samt kunder i Sitevision Cloud.

Mobilappen finns att ladda ner där appar finns. Sök efter Sitevision. Appen finns för iPhone-användare och Android-användare.

För att läsa mer om vad som går att göra i mobilappen samt se skärmbilder. Gå till Mobilapp-sidan.

För de kunder som har licensen Sitevision intranät 2022 så finns det en mobilapp. För att komma igång med appen behöver webbplatsen uppfylla följande krav.

  • Ha Social Collaboration aktiverat på webbplatsen
  • Ha ett certifikat för krypterad trafik via https
  • Ha licens för Social Collaboration och Mobilapp
  • Ha ett tilläggscertifikat från Sitevision AB

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