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13.1 If two links refer to different targets but share the same link text, distinguish the links by using "title".

If two links refer to different targets ("x" differs from "x") but share the same link text, distinguish the links by specifying a different value for the "title" attribute of each a element. Currently both links have the same title


If two links go to different pages but have the same link text, you must use title to distinguish them. Avoid using the same title text.


Do not allow multiple links on the same page with the same formulation to lead to different pages. A common example of this is "Read more" links, which are repeatedly used in lists of news announcements on a single page. If you do, you will need to clarify each link with a title text.

Avoid having multiple links with different formulations that lead to the same target.

To make clear links:

  • Enter what is most important in a link first.
  • Avoid initiating links with "Read more about...", "Go to...". This eliminates unnecessary information for the reader. All links "go" somewhere and usually contain more in-depth information.
  • Avoid links of the type "Read More".
  • Do not allow multiple links on the same page with the same formulation to lead to different pages. A common example of this is "Read more" links, which are repeatedly used in lists of news announcements on a single page. If you do, you will need to clarify each link with a title text.
  • If the page the link goes to has a clear heading that fits in the context, the heading text can be used as link text. This will make it easier for the user to decide that he/she is in the right place.
  • Avoid having multiple links with different formulations that lead to the same target.

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