always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Add Sharepoint website
Enter the name used in SiteVision.
The path should be empty if not using subsites.
If you are using subsites, enter the path from the server address to the document library.
For example, if you have a subsite called subsite1:
<severadress>/subsite1/SitePages/home.aspx. Then the path is subsite1.
For example, if you have a sub-subsite called another site:
<severadress>/subsite1/another site/SitePages/home.aspx. Then the path is subsite1/anothersite
Logging out of SiteVision does not mean that you are logged out of SharePoint.
If you use OAuth2, Windows Server 2012 R2 ADFS or later is required (applies to On-Prem installations). Azure AD is also OK for those using SharePoint Online
Document library
Click on the Add document library link to add another document library.
All the document libraries you have added are listed here.
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