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Add user fields - Search

Lägg till användarfält - sök

Technical information


User fields are automatically indexed. Therefore, a unique Field name in search index must be specified for new user fields. The automatically generated user fields retrieve the field name from the LDAP attribute name.

Note that user data is indexed in a completely separate search index (not in SiteVision’s normal search index of pages/files/images etc.)

Never use spaces or Swedish characters (å, ä, ö etc.) in the field name! Note that the user fields Name (fullname), First name (givenName) and Last name (sn) are always searchable, even when the Use as default search field box is unticked.

Use as default search field

Tick the box Use as default search field to make the user field searchable by default for normal searches in online mode via the modules Search box for person and Search person.

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