always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Add JavaScript
If you want to add your own CSS assets or JavaScript assets, you should have experience of this. If they are added incorrectly, it may affect the webpage.
Give your asset a name. One tip is to write as clear a name as possible, because it is the name that will appear in the list of JavaScript assets.
Designate a js file or enter the address of a JavaScript source.
By default, the file archive is displayed where you browse for the correct file. To specify an address instead, select to change the link type to External page.
Use in edit mode
Whether the assets should be printed/rendered in the editor or not.
Compressing JavaScript assets is turned on automatically. If for some reason you do not want to compress your assets, untick this box.
The Compress option is only available on templates.
Help with scripts is not included in the support agreement.
This function requires you to have "Manage developer functions" permission.
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