always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Show image archive
Here you can access all the image material located in the central image archive, a common archive accessible to all users. Here you can add new images, create folders, set metadata for images and delete images.
You can also save images to a specific archive associated with a specific page. This archive is called Page images. These images cannot be accessed from the image archive, but must be based on the page that has images in its local archive.
You can upload the following file formats to the image archive. Add other file formats to the File archive.
- gif
- jpg/jpeg
- png
- svg
- webp

Upload images to the image archive
To upload images to the image archive, click on the Upload icon. To place the image in a folder, first appoint the folder, and then click Upload. It is also possible to drag and drop the images into the folder afterwards.

All files that are added to the image archive are searchable in the search engine. If you want to hide image archive content, you can enter and mark the images as not to be found in the search engine or permission protect them.
Create folder in the image archive
To create a folder in the file archive, click on Create new. Name the folder and click OK. To then place images in the folder, select the folder and click Upload. Or, move existing images from the image archive to the folder. To do this, select one or more images (hold down CTRL when you select), and then drag the images into the folder.

Set metadata for images
To complete a general image description of an image, follow these steps:
1. Select the image to which you want to add an image description
2. On the right, select the Image description field. Fill in the value.
3. Done.

Do not confuse this with the image description available as an option on each image module.
Delete image
To delete an image from the image archive, locate the image and select it. Right-click on the image and select Delete.

The image now goes to the recycle bin (until someone empties it). Thus, you can always go to the recycle bin and restore the image if you deleted the wrong image.
If you try to delete an image that is used anywhere on the website, you will get information about this:

You can either then go to the respective page and delete the image module before you take the image from the image archive or you can choose not to delete the image. If you delete the image and ignore the message, the web pages (deleted image) will receive red crosses.
This function requires you to have "View image archive" permission.
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