always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Panels JavaScript assets

In SiteVision 4.1 we have separated Add-on in head that you previously created on the website. We now recommend that you add CSS add-ons and JavaScript add-ons to the templates where you want the inserted code. The add-on accompanies all pages and templates that use that template. This way, these add-ons are not included on all pages, but only on pages where they are needed.

You can also make a local JavaScript asset that only applies to this page.

Javascript assets

Local assets in <head>

This appears if there are assets in < head >. Click on the Add JavaScript link to add a JavaScript.

Local assets in <body>

This appears if there are assets in <body>. Click on the Add JavaScript link to add a JavaScript.

This feature requires you to have the "Manage functionality for developers" permission.

In SiteVision 4.1 we have separated “Add-on in head” that you previously created on the website. We now recommend that you add CSS add-ons and JavaScript add-ons to the templates where you want the inserted code. The add-on accompanies to all pages and templates that use that template. This way, these add-ons are not included on all pages, but only on pages where they are needed.

You can also make local add-ons on individual pages. These add-ons only apply to that page, it is not inherited further (if you do not want to). Here you can choose between:

The Javascript asset panel can be found on the item:

  • Properties for a template
  • Properties for a group template

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