always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Publish - tab General

Common tab on publish

Dates and times

Here you can control the time of publishing if you do not want to publish straight away, or if you have a specific date to unpublish the page.

If you are want to manipulate the publishing date, you can do this in under Page/article properties.

Publish the page later

If the page is to be published at a later time, select this option and enter the time and date. Click the icon for the calendar to select dates in a calendar or enter the date yourself in the white field. The page will then be published at the specified time.

skärmdump exempel på publicera senare

The "clock icon" in the navigator indicates that the page has a time-controlled publication. See example below.

Ikon för schemalagd publicering

If any of the overlying pages are not published, a "pause character" also appears on the page. This means that the page will be published when all the overlying pages are published.

Unpublish the page later

To automatically unpublish the page on a specific date, select this option and enter the time and date. Click the icon for the calendar to select dates in a calendar or enter the date yourself in the white field. The page will then be unpublished at the specified time.

avpublicera vid senare tillfälle

The "clock icon" in the navigator indicates that the page has a time-controlled unpublication.

Cancel publishing and unpublishing

To cancel scheduled publishing or unpublishing, click the Stop publishing / Stop unpublishing as shown in the images below.

A message then appears and you can cancel scheduling. To cancel scheduling, you need permission: Unlock publishing schedule locks

Scheduled publish or unpublish pages cannot be edited without cancelling scheduling.

Activate expiration notification

skärmdump tidsstyrning se över innehåll

Reminder is used to be notified that a page needs to be reviewed after a certain period of time since being published. The e-mailed reminder contains a link to the page. The recipient can then click on the link, read through the contents and decide if something should be changed, whether the page should be republished (approve existing content) or unpublished. In this way the pages are kept up to date with the correct content.

It is possible to centrally set this box to be checked by default. It is good idea, for example, to have a quality policy where all pages are reviewed after a certain period of time. This setting is only a recommendation, and you can uncheck the box in the publishing dialogue to prevent reminders.

Who receives reminders?

  • Set recipient - The person who is set as recipient under Site settings -> Functions-> Best before
  • The publisher - It there's no set recipient then the the person who published the page (at the time the reminder was set) gets the reminder. That is, if they have their e-mail address in the directory service.
  • Site manager - If the publisher lacks an e-mailadress then the reminder go to the e-mail address set up under Site settings -> Email
  • Server manager - If there's no Site manager the reminder goes to the e-mail address set up on the server object.

Only one of the above will receive the reminder unless more recipients are listed in the recipient list under Site Settings -> Best before.

When is the reminder sent?

The system suggests in 6 months time unless changed centrally, see Central settings for best before.

If you have checked the box, this date is left as is (the system does not suggest a new date), but you can change the date if you want.

Short name

If you have a URL style that contains a short name, the Short name field also appears where you can give the page the short name you want:

skärmdump kortnamn

The Swedish Legal Deposit Act of Electronic Material (e-plikt)

If you have permission, you can determine whether this page should be included in the Swedish Legal Deposit Act of Electronic Material to the National Library of Sweden. Here you can find out more about e-plikt External link, opens in new window..

This function requires you to have "Publish for e-plikt" permission


Notify subscribers

Skicka notifiering till prenumeranter

This option is only visible if the subscription is set-up on the current page.

Used in connection with subscriptions and when you want to send a notification to subscribers. Mark the "Send notification to subscribers" box and enter a message.

Quality control

If the link test, availability test and/or validation test when publishing are enabled centrally, these will start after you click the Publish icon. If all links work, if the page validates and has no availability errors, it will turn "green".

Kvalitetskontroll exempelbild

If there is a link error, validation error, or availability error, the General tab turns brown:

Brun flik för att indikera fel på en kvalitetskontroll

Link check

If there are incorrect links on the page, a different view is displayed:

Exempelbild trasig länk

Click the Show details link to get a report of the incorrect links.

exempelbild länkfelsrapport

In this case, the Abstract module has an incorrect link. A link with an incorrect address.

Continue despite link error is a permission and not everyone has this option. If you do not have the permission, the Publish button will be inactive until you have corrected the incorrect link.

W3C validation check

Checks whether the code on the page validates. If the page does not validate, a "red result" is displayed:

Validation error

Click the link Show details. This will take you to the W3C validator where you can read more about the validation errors:


Accessibility check

Checks accessibility rules when publishing, e.g. that heading levels are in the correct order, that tables follow certain rules etc. Learn more about what is checked in the accessibility checks here.

If the page shows a "red result," click the Show details link. More information about the error then appears:

WCAG error

If the page shows a "red result," click Show details.


Click this to publish the page — so that it appears online. If you choose not to publish the page, it will only appear in the editor. For example, if you make a draft of a page and do not want to publish it straightaway.

Publish and show

Click this to publish the page and visit it online. This is the same as clicking on the Done icon in the sidebar.


Cancels the current publication and returns you to the editor.

The page published:

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