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Här kan du få reda på lite mer vad riktlinjen (WCAG checkpoint) innebär. Klicka på den feltyp som du fått meddelande om för att läsa mer om den.
Sorterade efter WCAG Checkpoint:
9.5 Keyboard shortcuts should be used properly.
4.2 Title shall be specified for each abbreviation/ acronym in a document where it first occurs in the document.
3.5 Use header elements to convey document structure.....
3.4 Consider using relative lengths instead of absolute in frameset.
5.1 A table should have a caption
13.1 If two links refer to different targets but share the same link text, distinguish the links by using "title".
13.1 Clearly identify the target of each link.
12.4 Do associate controls explicitly with their labels.
12.1 Use title to identify frames.
11.2 Element x is depricated. Do not use depricated elements.
10.4 For browser compatibility reasons do not use empty textareas
10.4 For browser compatibility reasons do not use empty value of element
10.1 Do not use target of a frame with target="_blank"
10.1 Do not use pop-ups
9.4 Create a logical tab order.
9.2 If you must use device-dependent attributes, provide redundant input mechanisms.
7.4 The user should control the refreshing of the page.
7.3 Marquee element doesn't provide mechanisms to stop the movement.
7.2 Avoid causing content to blink.
6.5 Specify noframes element for framesets. Ensure that dynamic content is accessible or provide an alternative presentation or page.
5.6 A table header should have an abbr attribute to give abbreviation.
5.1 Identify row and column headers in table.
4.3 The primary language of a document should be identified.
3.3 Do not use element, use stylesheet instead.
2.2 Differences between body's background and foreground color are to small, this may cause acceszibility problems.
2.2 The background color and the foreground color shouldn't be the same.
1.1 An image/applet/map/object element should have some descriptive text: an alt or longdesc attribute.
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