always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Metadata type Multiple target audience selection

Multiple target audience selection is a metadata type where you select audiences and that audience's options are displayed in a list to the user who in turn selects some of them.


Multiple target audience selection can be used to label web pages with a specific audience so that you can collect information that applies to a specific audience.

The options from the audience are displayed as a list to the user. You can select multiple options to tag the page with.

So if you select Örebro, it will appear in the field. If you also select Economy, it will also appear in the field.

Here's how to do it

At the bottom of the Metadata panel is the Add metadata field button. Click on the button to add a new metadata field. A new dialog box opens where you make the settings for the metadata field you want to create.

Inställningar för envalsmetadata

Select the audiences from which the metadata will be based. All audiences present on the website can be selected in the list.

Click OK or go to the Permission tab.

Metadata is versioned, which means you must always publish the changes you make for them to appear online.

To add or modify a metadata field, the 'Manage metadata fields' permission is required.

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