always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Personal details in Email form

The personal data question is used to create a single personal data question. This is to prevent having to add text fields for each input task.

Personal details

Click on the Add field link to add a field (a question). Select the field type you want to add. You will get different settings depending on the field type you select.

General tab - Field type Personal data question

Select field type: Personal data question in the list.

Personal data


Displays all the input fields that are automatically created when you add a personal data question.

The following fields are automatically added:

  • first name
  • last name
  • e-mail
  • telephone
  • mobile
  • address
  • postcode
  • city

Add field

Click on the Add field link to add a field.

Get information from current user

If the user is logged into SiteVision, the personal data question can retrieve the data that is available about the logged-in person in the directory. The system then fills in this data automatically. For example, if the user's first and last name, e-mail, and phone number are in the directory, these fields are automatically populated in the form.

Set spacing between fields

Here you can enter spaces between the different fields in the personal data question. You can choose to specify the dimensions in PX or EM.

Delete field

For example, if you do not want Postcode and City, select them in the list and click X.

Add field

To add fields that were deleted, click the Add field link.

Change field

To change a field, click on the Change icon. This displays the same settings as add fields.

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