always refers to the latest version of Sitevision

Member status

The Member Status module is used on group pages to manage a user's relationship to a group. If a user is not a member of a group, the module can be used to join the group, provided it is open.

Grundutseende för modulen Medlemsstatus

If there is a relationship with the group, several options are available via a small "arrow" on the far right of the button. The options visible depend on the relationship the user has with the group.

Exempel på utseende för en gruppmedlem

The following options are available:

  • Follow group - follow the group without being a member. Posts made in the group will appear in the user's composite timeline.
  • Unfollow Group - Stops following and will not receive notifications about the group.
  • Deactivate Notifications - Turns off notifications for the specific group you have selected.

Settings Member status


Size of icon

Here you set the size of the icon. The following sizes are available in the list:

  • Large
  • Medium
  • Small

Show assistive text for button

If you want to show the button caption, check this box. The default text is "Follow group/Unfolllow group".

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